Seacote, Shangort, Knocknacarra, H91 VAK3
AMV €495,000
Seacote is a detached, three-bedroom bungalow offering an exciting opportunity for substantial refurbishment or complete replacement. Set on a generous 0.24-acre mature wooded plot, this property enjoys a private and tranquil setting while benefiting from direct access to Shangort Road at the junction of Knocknacarra Cross..With a floor area of 71 square meters, Seacote's three bedroom layout provides a compact but functional living space, ideal for those looking to transform it into a modern family home or for others seeking a prime location for redevelopment.
Conveniently located, with easy access to local amenities, schools, and transport links, Seacote presents a unique opportunity to craft a dream home project in a this highly sought after area.
DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of the property whose Agents they are, give notice that: (i) The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute part of, an offer or contract. (ii) Any intending purchasers or tenants must not rely the descriptions, dimensions, references to condition or necessary permissions for use and occupation as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (iii) No person in the employment of DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatever in relation to this development. DNG Maxwell Heaslip &Leonard accept no liability (including liability to any prospective purchaser or lessee by reason of negligence or negligent misstatement) for loss or damage caused by any statements, opinions, information or other matters (expressed or implied) arising out of, contained in or derived from, or for any omissions from this brochure.
Conveniently located, with easy access to local amenities, schools, and transport links, Seacote presents a unique opportunity to craft a dream home project in a this highly sought after area.
DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of the property whose Agents they are, give notice that: (i) The particulars are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute part of, an offer or contract. (ii) Any intending purchasers or tenants must not rely the descriptions, dimensions, references to condition or necessary permissions for use and occupation as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (iii) No person in the employment of DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatever in relation to this development. DNG Maxwell Heaslip &Leonard accept no liability (including liability to any prospective purchaser or lessee by reason of negligence or negligent misstatement) for loss or damage caused by any statements, opinions, information or other matters (expressed or implied) arising out of, contained in or derived from, or for any omissions from this brochure.
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